Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ethical Issues

Cloning is a big issue that a lot of people care about. Some agree with it, others don’t and several agree with it until some point. Cloning does a lot of good: for mother who wants to get pregnant and cloning is their last chance of having a baby, therapeutic Cloning or Cellular cloning. One issue is that the baby might have hidden health flaws. There are people that agree with cloning and think it is okay to do research for the sake of science and knowing more. Other do not, because they believe creating a human life should be up to God and we shouldn’t recreate others. Also with creating clones we are recreating people, how would the clones feel, knowing that they are a copy of someone and that in human nature, everyone is unique and different. Some people think that creating clones means a new kind of slavery. Other think that cloning is a new way to reproduce the “best” in human species, the question is who will be able to decide this. Cloning is only available to people with money, will that mean that only they will be able to pass on their genes?

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